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Nurge 4 Pin Knitting Dolly
Nurge Knitting Dolly 4 pin
Nurge Knitting Dolly 6 pin
Nurge Knitting Dolly 8 pin

Nurge Knitting Dolly

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Created by : Nurge
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Type : Knitting tools & Notions
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Nurge Knitting tools & Notions

Product Information

The Nurge Knitting dolly is the ideal gift for a child or person wanting to step into the world of yarn hand craft.

Sometimes called a French Knitter or knitting doll, this little gadget produces a narrow tube of knitted fabric (also called an I-cord) using small quantities of fine yarns, wools and threads. The resulting cord is great for braiding, drawstring, friendship bracelets, weaving, and a multitude of uses.

A traditional way to teach children the basic principles of knitting it promotes hand eye coordination and dexterity with the safe plastic hook tool.

This doll is unpainted plain wood with either 4, 6 or 8  metal pins and a plastic hook tool to lift the strands of yarn over.

3 different types: 4 pin / 6 pin / 8 pin.