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Rit Back to Blue Dye Kit

Rit Back to Blue Dye Kit

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Rit Kit Kits Ready for Dyeing

Product Information

Are your favorite blue jeans in need of rejuvenation? 

Give your denim a second chance to dance in bold blue! The Back to Blue Denim Dye Kit allows you to achieve up to 4 different washes of denim. 

Now with Rit Back to Blue Denim Dye Kit, you can restore faded denim back to a rich blue in a few easy steps. Included is Bold Blue All-Purpose Dye, a versatile blue that can achieve varying shades of the perfect blue. This kit can also be used to revive faded blue clothing and even overdye clothing of any colour to a darker shade. The kit also includes ColorStay Dye Fixative, the secret weapon to reduce bleeding and fading.

Works best on Cotton, Linen, Rayon, Ramie, Cellulose fibres and fabric blends.